Faster than a speeding website.
More powerful than local development
Able to leap to the right conclusion in a single bound.
It’s a Word!
It’s sustained!
It’s Super… well you get the idea.
WordPress is more than software. It’s more than web design. Or development. Or Gutenberg vs. the classic editor. WordPress is about you. It’s about me. It’s about the small “us” and the big “US.” It’s more than open source code. It’s open source community.
Since community is about belonging, then how do we make sure that all of our members feel welcome? How do act neighborly to those we know well, and those we just see now and then?
Sometimes being a WordPress superhero means:
In this WPprosper webinar, Michelle Frechette will talk about ideas for how we can thrive in the WordPress community while at the same time being inclusive of others, inviting to all, helpful when needed, and retreating when necessary.