WordCamp Kent

Here are my slides from WordCamp Kent! The Care and Feeding of the WordPress Community from Michelle Ames

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Falling Into Business

I'm often asked how I started my business. I would love to tell you a story about how I did a ton of research, met with mentors, found advisors, wrote a perfect business plan, crafted an amazing marketing plan, and launched according to a timeline all neatly written...

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There is safety in numbers. And power. And ideas. It's easy to hide...and to find an audience. And sometimes it's just plain fun.In the last few weeks, I have seen many different forms of crowdsourcing on Facebook. Some of it humorous. Some of it heartbreaking. All of...

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Finding Focus

Focus. As an entrepreneur it is vital – and often the most difficult thing to achieve. I like to think I look like I’ve got it all together, but I know the truth. In my brain all the tabs are open all the time.I sit down in front of my laptop prepared to begin a...

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5 Steps to Qualifying Clients

This morning I spoke to a potential client. She had been referred to me by a friend who knew I could help her with a website for her new business. And I could. I could build her an amazing website, complete with bells, whistles, e-commerce, SEO, sliders, movies...you...

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