Keeping Us Apart is Bringing Us Together
Believe it or not, keeping us apart is bringing us together. It may not seem like it. But as a community, we are closer now than we have ever been.
WordCamp Kent
Here are my slides from WordCamp Kent! The Care and Feeding of the WordPress Community from Michelle Ames

Don’t Thank Customers for their Business – Inspire Them!
Of course we’re grateful to have customers, but would you rather set a tone of gratitude or one of inspiration? How you respond to your customers establishes your relationship – so be bold and inspire them!
What I Learned by Watching a Giraffe NOT Give Birth
This is April. April is a giraffe in Harpursville, NY. April has been pregnant a LONG time. People all over the world have been watching her not give birth. So how is watching a giraffe on a live stream on YouTube educational? It might seem a bit of a "stretch" but,...
Right Here and Now…
Right Here and Now...That's how I begin a lot of Facebook posts. After the ellipsis I ask readers to respond to a question or statement, such as "Right here and now...tell us your favorite candy" or "Right here and now...tell us about a time you were really afraid."...
Going Up: How is Your Elevator Speech?
You network. You go to trade shows and vendor fairs. You attend seminars and conferences. But you don't seem to get new business, or even get noticed at all. What are you doing wrong?It might be your introduction - or "elevator speech."An elevator speech is a brief...
Falling Into Business
I'm often asked how I started my business. I would love to tell you a story about how I did a ton of research, met with mentors, found advisors, wrote a perfect business plan, crafted an amazing marketing plan, and launched according to a timeline all neatly written...
There is safety in numbers. And power. And ideas. It's easy to hide...and to find an audience. And sometimes it's just plain fun.In the last few weeks, I have seen many different forms of crowdsourcing on Facebook. Some of it humorous. Some of it heartbreaking. All of...
Finding Focus
Focus. As an entrepreneur it is vital – and often the most difficult thing to achieve. I like to think I look like I’ve got it all together, but I know the truth. In my brain all the tabs are open all the time.I sit down in front of my laptop prepared to begin a...
5 Steps to Qualifying Clients
This morning I spoke to a potential client. She had been referred to me by a friend who knew I could help her with a website for her new business. And I could. I could build her an amazing website, complete with bells, whistles, e-commerce, SEO, sliders, movies...you...